Pre-Listing Inspection
Our home inspection gives you a powerful marketing tool to set your home apart. We point out repairs that you may wish to make before you put your home up for sale. Our evaluation and report provide the information you need to make full disclosure prior to sale. A pre-sale home inspection can be your competitive edge when it comes to offering the buyer greater peace of mind. A review of your existing home can help can you sell easier, faster, and more profitably by finding and addressing issues on the front end. It is assumed that if conditions or situations are discovered by the inspector, the buyers' inspector will also call attention to the same area. This will give the seller time and opportunity to make the corrections or find a contractor of their choice to perform the work. This inspection may save you from last minute negotiations or concessions to the buyer.
Sell your home with confidence. Contact G.E.T., Home Inspections, LLC today for your Pre-List inspection!
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