Warranty Inspection
Is your new home warranty about to expire? Ask us about our One-Year Warranty Inspection. At the 11th month of home ownership, the builder is still responsible for most defects. Did the builder call to remind you that your home warranty was about to expire? Most don’t provide this courtesy.
Our experience tells us that most major construction flaws go unnoticed for 3-5 years. By this time, correcting these flaws could cost many thousands of dollars to remedy, and the builder is no longer responsible. It is unfortunate that most of these flaws go unnoticed until it is too late and extensive damage has occurred.
Assisting in preventing this risk and the possibility of future costly repairs is the goal of our "New Home Construction Warranty Inspection." Our inspection covers all major systems and includes testing of the mechanical systems and components. All visible defects will be noted in a written report and ready for presentation to your builder. This "last chance" inspection is essential in providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.
This service works so well, that most new homeowners are amazed with our findings and will refer us to their neighbors.
If you would like to know more, please contact me for a personal consultation, or to schedule an inspection.
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G.E.T. Home Inspections, LLC is a top Coral Springs, FL home inspector on Inspectopia.com!